today, me,jane and audrey attended cass's concert band at sembawang CC. halfway through the journey to SCC, i forgot i left my ticket at home in my wallet. :/ so i had to buy another one. REACHED. saw cass, it was so conspicious that she was nervous. wished her luck. saw veron too. she was the first to perform. while waiting for the concert to start, jane saw her kindergarden friend. audrey saw her primary school friend. while me? NOBODY. -.-'''
the concert started, i must say i enjoyed it. i like the song that cass performed. but she said she left out some notes. oh well, you did your best. :D after the concert, headed to ION. i was such a public nuisance on the way there. but it made jane and audrey laughed.
audrey looks nice in the purple one. too bad she moved. so kanchiong.
after that, went J8 with audrey. jane had to leave earlier. accompanied audrey to get her food, and,and,and! the rose bandung soya bean she bought tasted so URGH! not recommanded for the faint hearted. LOL, no link.
then went to a newly commenced shop called Helen. spent a loooooooooooong time there choosing my stuff. and finally i bought something which i have also long lusted for! but the service wasn't that good.