julia&joonwoon&jaypal&zhijie attended.
was supposed to reach bedok mrt at 9am but i woke up only at 830am when joonwoon called me. surprisingly my hair was in good condition so i didn't borthered to bathe and i left the house. was super late like for an hour or so with zhijie. saw javier on the way. chatted. rented bicycles. cycled. joonwoon ,zhijie & jaypal were show offing their cycling skills. and we kept disturbing people by ringing thr bicycle's bell. then decided to chat about old times. then built a sandcastle. but instead we started making a woman sand figure. and so, we started with the tits first. :P had a super hilarious time. we had a great time until we forgot to return the bicycles on time. overcharge. in the end, i paid for them cause they were "broke" jaypal & joonwoon left. me & zhijie ate at mac. won a free appple pie through the monopoly thingy. :) headed to gerald's parrty. homed.