LOL this part is hilarious. his mother came and he immediately change to other things then his mother thought he doing what. kept on disturbing him LOL LOL so cute. my webcam got problem-.-
in house was pretty okay. had ericia to entertain me(: LOL her wonderbag full of surprises. friends came to visit me. gossiped a little. it was cool^^ the counseller came, talked a little. she wasn't that bad. there was one thing she hit the spot, "your 4 years of clean record have been blemished by her, bu zhi de." how true. blemished by that that that woman. -.- oh well, but i didn't regret doing it. if i chose to do it i should not regret it.
it feels so good taking a nap on a big grass patch. but after that my skin kinda got itchy-.- felt a little nostalgic when i saw this plant. memories): went for a walk. it's been ages since i went for a walk. i loved it. (: i needed to relax myself a little. i need to fucking stop procastinating and start studying-.- sigh, senior year.
hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. going for in house today. luckily there's ericia to accompany me. hehehehehehe^^ wish me luck.
she fucking scratched my cahmoolahhhhhhhh. like wtf seriously. it's not even a month old. fucking ill bred fatass. you will never amount to anything. your fats will amount to hypertension,diabetes,stroke and whatsofucking ever. you fatty oil tank. sending you to a dog obedience school is useless. because you're fat. you fat fuck. your protruding belly is fucking conspicious. i seriously hate kids with no manners. where is your respect? i bet it's in your tummy thats why you're so fat. you're so fat i can see my handphone number when you stand on a weighing scale. you're so fat that when god said " let there be light" he asked you to move away.