I hear someone breathing through my headphones. no there's no music played. its weird how the breathing's so calm yet intimidating. i better hit the sack.
Saturday, July 31, 2010

1:03 AM

Thursday, July 29, 2010

shout out to clique : I hope you guys did well for chinese oral ! hopefully you guys don't stutter or use the wrong words LOL
brina : i have confident that you'll do swell cause we're from the same country~
cass : confirm stutter one LOL. got guai lan the examiners not?!
linh : another hopeless ah this one. confirm got a lot of words dont know how to read.
jane : confirm can one la this one, only the eyebrows cmi the examiners minus marks.
audrey : -__- indian take chinese for what?
8:14 PM

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010

4:45 PM

Lethargic's been dominating my body. i'm too tired to even think, i just want to sleep. oh i really really need a haircut.
2:24 PM

i don't know what got over me but recently i'm kinda obessed in looking very fair. not just fair but extraordinarily fair.
NO, this is bad. that makes me no different from any typical girls. especially delusional kpop freaks.
12:29 AM

Friday, July 23, 2010

I enjoyed the 45th anniversary school play. the guys are the back are just so high and so eye catching with the light sticks. i got so excited when the indian dance performed. i dont know why either :/ my cam's currently with krishna. so yeah, i'll upload pictures soon(:
10:55 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

went to catch Blood Pledge after school which in my opinion the movie sucked big time. the title didn't seem to reflect the movie. its suppose to be scary but it's not. i didn't liked it plus the fact that it's a korean movie made it worse. i wasn't intimidated but i was shocked by the abrupt loud sound effects coming out of nowhere. the blood looked very fake and cheap. but i do know that the people whom i watched it with were really scared. and what pissed me off in the theatre was that there are so many extremely annoying korean fans whispering shit-.-
8:22 PM

chermaine didnt wanted to wear the japanese costume so pauline told me to wear it.
the material was so thin i almost freezed to death in school.
8:02 PM

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
" Don't care her, don't care la, just don't care. let her be."
i'm kinda immune already.
tomorrow's racial harmony ^^
can't wait to see people dressing up.
i'm kinda immune already.
can't wait to see people dressing up.
6:05 PM

Sunday, July 18, 2010
okay julia, you really gotta start saving up. you got only $3.88 in your bank account and you just told mom not to top it up. great, brillant move julia. what a genius. you're like fucking bankrupt and you wanna get a cheap monday shirt-.- FML
11:41 PM

Friday, July 16, 2010
wide angle.
5:58 PM

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

happy 17th nigga! nice getting to know you through...facebook-.-
before i even knew who you were, you never fail to catch my attention during sports day with your lightning speed and tight tights. so sexy. LOL i always had this impression of you as some fierce gangster until i got to know you better, you're like afraid of everything. oh well, hope you enjoyed your day. you're cute, so stop being moody.
8:19 PM

Went to get levain's present after school with abigail. it was freaking embrassing entering the shop, in school uniform. and the item we wanted to get for levain was so high up on the racks. after much procrastination i mustered my courage, reached out for the item and payed for it. it's a men's g string btw. :P
8:06 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
oral, for me was fantastic. this has to be the first time that i never felt nervous berore.
i think i did well, if i may say so.
the examiers were so friendly hehehe^^
6:41 PM

Monday, July 12, 2010
yum,yum(Y) jane introduced this to me and i love it
it's like fried mars bars with chocolate ice cream, great for chocolate lovers.
went to FEP after school with linh and jane for lunch. went to ask some enquries about my desired camera lenses as well. i wanted to get wide angle lenses, from the first shop to the last shop i asked. the price was $120,$125,$150,$180 to lastly, 95bucks. what a rip off man. when i heard 95bucks i wanted to buy it on the spot only to realise i didnt have enough cash with me-__-
time to save up, julia~

went to FEP after school with linh and jane for lunch. went to ask some enquries about my desired camera lenses as well. i wanted to get wide angle lenses, from the first shop to the last shop i asked. the price was $120,$125,$150,$180 to lastly, 95bucks. what a rip off man. when i heard 95bucks i wanted to buy it on the spot only to realise i didnt have enough cash with me-__-
time to save up, julia~
7:54 PM

Sunday, July 11, 2010
i like this photo of me and cass, we look good together HAHAHA oops, sorry brina(inside joke)
study date with cass and brina. it was pretty productive for me although it was quite slacky. brina kept taking photos of this toddler whom she thinks was adorable. cass fell asleep halfway. hehe. oh, i don't know if you noticed but cass's eyes looks pretty big in the photos. o.O
7:07 PM

you know what annoys me the most? it's when people think i'm some kind of love aunt agony and they come up confiding into me with their depressing love stories asking me for advice. like seriously, me.
of all people you can ask, why am i the chosen one? people keep telling me that oh "im gonna die without her" "she doesnt like me back" "how can i make her happy?" "how to sustain this relationship?" "what am i gonna do?" honestly, if you think you guys are gonna last a lifetime together then good luck with it. and if you like someone and that someone doesnt like you back, then too bad you got no skills. and come on, she's your fucking girlfriend you should know what cracks her up not me. and you know what else you should do? just shut up and move on with life. what is wrong with you people this age thinking that true love exsists.
Im sorry if it offended you, im just annoyed.
12:47 AM

sometimes i do know what i'm saying and i mean it, you didnt want to listen to me. you're gonna lose out in the end. i may not have been in a relationship before but at the rate you guys are going through, even before officially being together you guys are through.
12:38 AM

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
i'm very inspired to take pictures but for some reason my inspiration doesn't portray in the pictures that i shoot. :/ bummer.
11:36 PM

Thursday, July 8, 2010
juliana wulandari.

i didnt know it was her birthday today until facebook told me :P friend fail.
juliana, you're like the cutest friend ever. all the best in whatever you do sister ! (:
11:31 PM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
we dance through misery.
7:40 PM

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

why won't any adults appreciate my hair. i have reached a conclusion that all adults hate my hair. mr quek hates it, mr sim hates it, lois chan hates it, my mom hates it, my auntie hates it-.- so far i don't know of any adult who approves of my hair. in school i have to tolerate the shitty 'hair check' system. at home i have to face extensive dreaded nagging-.- my hair's just....a little messy? ahh fuck it.
9:52 PM

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