Thursday, September 30, 2010
11:34 PM

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dear friend, at some point in our lives, we will have to face a dilemma and you can only make a choice. a choice that determines how your life's gonna be. you know that you've changed and that you're not yourself. you want to be your old jovial self again but you cant bear to give her up because you're so in love, so smitten with her. its as if she's like the air you breathe, without her you'll die. In life, you have to make sacrifices, i know its gonna be hard on you but hey, "sometimes a sacrifice might be a blessing in disguise" quoted from abigail. plus, you're at an age where you're in the puppylove stage. you dont know what love is. its conspicuous that she doesnt love you the way you love her so much. i just dont get what you see in her, she's only using you. but who am i to interfere or meddle with your heart's affair, who am i to even have the rights to say that she doesnt love you when i all i know is she looks really bitchy from the exterior. come back to your senses my friend, dont ruin your life, stop sulking and being depressed about how she broke your heart. she's not worth it.
1:17 PM

Thursday, September 23, 2010
oh, i watched this film about this Preparatory school, and the students were like speaking in profound, fluent english. where we say "oh shit", and they go "holy excrement" LOL how envious. i always wanted to be able to speak like that but i dont think i can ever amount to their standards. English is similiar to photography, there's always someone better than you. you just have to keep improving yourself.
6:18 PM

i feel like sitting for the SATs..i dont know, i'll see how it goes after my N's.
but again, maths is one of the main criteria. pfft. i feel like aiming for laselle, i dont know, it sounds like an ideal school for me though. i kinda like it. but oh well, i dont know. for now i just have to focus on my subjects.
but again, maths is one of the main criteria. pfft. i feel like aiming for laselle, i dont know, it sounds like an ideal school for me though. i kinda like it. but oh well, i dont know. for now i just have to focus on my subjects.
6:14 PM

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Yesterday was pretty fun hanging out with friends dining at Seoul Garden celebrating linh's 17th. We ate to our heart's content. Surprisingly the cake we baked tasted pretty alright. Will upload pictures soon (:
2:00 PM

Friday, September 17, 2010
happy 17th Tran Gia Linh! stop disgracing vietnam and dont let audrey cut your hair anymore and grow it long! refrain yourself from consuming fattening food and stop being such a glutton. love you linh~~~~~
12:31 AM

Thursday, September 16, 2010
9:36 PM

woah, after what seemed like eternity im back to blogging.
today was rather an eventful day. baked a cake for linh's birthday tomorrow with jane and at audrey's house. hopefully she'll like it *crosses fingers*
a heart to heart talk was what followed next. i really love conversations where pleasantries are exchanged and we just emit whatever we feel that has been kept as an unpleasant thought of others of our own. and come to think of it, an epiphany struck me that you're such an unappreciative person, a miser, self-centered and almost misanthropic but only to a certain extent until today. my impression of you changed, but i still like you as a friend.
on a happy note, the contacts i ordered are mine in a few days time! ^^
8:37 PM

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Its funny how 15minutes before my N level papers commenced, my heart was thumping so hard and I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. But as soon as I stepped into the examination hall, all the worries just vanished. I didn't even felt a single cell of my body being nervous. It didn't felt like a national exam to me, more like a class test but in a smelly yet freezing school hall. 3 papers down already. I can only hope for the best.
12:52 AM

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
had an awesome chat with jane today at serangoon garden's mac. we talked about anything and everything. we were so engrossed that we lost track of time. time passed so quickly in just a blink of an eye. jane walked home cause the bus she took that was supposedly to send her home but the route change for i dont know what reason. she was afraid, cause its the whole last day of ghost month and she was walking alone at night so she called me. i kept her company through the phone^^
9:31 PM

Saturday, September 4, 2010
I wanna be a kid again, where I'm oblivious to everything and just have my own fucking fun. Where I can be obstinate and no one will fucking blame you cause you're too young to understand anything. I wanna be a kid again where I used to love coming to school and have a hell of fun with my friends. Where I was never stressed about exams or homework. I hate how life is so depressing for me now.
9:28 PM

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