so im down with a fever, flu and sorethroat ): for the first time i actually felt so sick in school that i wanted to go home. which i did. but i felt really bad for troubling my mother, she came all the way to school just to pick me home despite her tight schedule :/ medical fees here are fucking expensive. zzz i wanna get well asap. i hate feeling sick and being absent from school ): my family's keeping a distance from me like wtf its not a plague. zzz
sigh, first lesson of tuition was horrible... i'd forgotten every single science formula there is and when the teacher slapped the worksheets in front of me i stoned. the questions looked all familiar but yet foreign.
"we won't be as close as before after this year(2010)"
the moment when you told me that sentence, i teared because i dont want it to happen but i come to realise recently, it has happened. i hate the formality that's existing between our conversations, pleasantries are no longer exchanged. i know theres drama surrounding your life but please dont give me the cold shoulder, it hurts. what hurts more is that we were once so close. its good to see you're enjoying yourself so much more in your new campus, im happy for you. i know that chances of you reading this is close to zero, but yeah. i love you man. always will. gettting to know you was unregrettable. you're the best guy friend i ever had.
today marks the end of the second week of school :S school's been good on me but im pressurized by the fact the 2010's O level results was not as good as the previous batch. what if i was one of them sobbing? i dare not think more... of course, academic wise everything's being taken to the next level. with the new principal the pressure is even more intense. it leaves me wondering if my decision of not going to Higer Nitec was correct. but whats done been done. hope for the best.
1/1/11 hello new year, hello O levels. oh erm yeah, if you noticed i got another haircut :P