Monday, July 16, 2012
So many questions in my head but I don't wanna ask questions to answers i don't wanna know. What if I can't handle the truth. What if I can't deal with the fact that I really am slowly fading into blurs of sepia. Into the plunge of your mind concealed with this newfound "favourite" of yours. I never saw myself as your favourite. I never felt qualified or pretty enough to be. But, she is pretty and definitely good enough to be your favourite. I'm back to square one of being someone whom you won't even bother to remember my name. I don't know why I'm taking this shit so seriously. I guess I'm too attached. I dont know if this post is even legible. My english is fuckibg mangled and also im typing this while enduring an excruciating ovary crushing pain of menstrual cramp. Fuck this shit, why do I even bother to give a fuck. 氣死人
5:23 PM

Friday, July 13, 2012
Let me commence this post by wishing Ben a happy 18th birthday! Best wishes :) Celebrated Ben's birthday at Seoul Garden which was also Ming's virgin visit. Apparently she has never bbq before so she was absolutely clueless on how the food should be cooked. Such a cutie. Afterwards we headed over to town to chill. The rest decided to play L4D at cineleisure while Farah and I decided to head over to M&S's food hall for some snack shopping hehehe. I couldn't help but felt really inferior walking next to her the whole time because she has gotten a lot of heads turning and eyes fixed on her because Farah is really very attractively pretty. Walking next to her, I've probably gotten quite a number of "the ugly friend" stamped on me from any passerby. On an irrelevant note, I am so relieved that this whole graded wrtorial presentation is over! I could feel the nervousness and anxiety alleviated from me. It's like an oasis of calmness. I never really liked presenting presentations mainly because nobody ever bothers to listen to the speaker or the slides. So yeah. Follow me on instagram: Juliaylt.
11:52 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
不知道為什麼,很突然我覺得好無奈,好煩,好寂寞。不是因為我沒伴的關係。唉呀,我連自己情緒變化的原因都不知道。 我做人做的好失敗。我真的很討厭我這張充滿瑕疵的臉。死人青春期,一兩痘痘就好了可是為什麼偏偏是我得到滿臉的豆豆。我真的很羨慕其他女孩子完美無瑕的臉孔。熟語說「自戀總比自卑好」可是我這張那麼丑的臉,看了就自卑哪來的自戀。就算化了妝,還是一樣丑。 去死算了。
9:18 PM

Saturday, July 7, 2012
I love fridays. I mean, who doesnt? School ended at 12pm instead of the usual 1pm, so zoom! Off i head to RP to meet the fatties and for Ignite! I went to find Lydia in her class and i swear her class was so cozy and comfortable, such a conducive environment to study in. Or in my case, to sleep in. My lovely sheena came down all the way from Clementi to meet us at RP! aww<3 I love how things haven't changed one bit between us. Linh's still as loquacious as before and she got prettier(jealous). My Sheeny is still shy when i confess my love to her. Mo's still as gargantuan as before especially with his new haircut he has a uncanny resemblance to Kang Ho Dong. Yao's still the same old man bitch with his bitchy acrimonious replies( i still love you) and of course not forgetting Brina, hyperactive taeyeon hxc fan. Wishing the rest was here.
12:00 AM

Thursday, July 5, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
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