i am not writing this in a harsh tone. i repeat.
i am not writing this in a harsh tone.
we human have our own personal likings & tastes.
like, singers,actors,idols,food,clothings, etc.
and since like i said it's a personal liking. others might not share the same taste of liking the same things as you do.
others might even beabominators of it.
let's just take singers for example.
You can hate a person just by looking at her/him: the hair, the smile, the look, the clothes. Anything that triggers negative feelings.
maybe they haven’t impressed us in a positive way, but we can most certainly bitch about them. There must have been something to annoy us at one point. It’s only human!
merci beaucorp, alex evans.
so, we have certainly at some point made critics about them. like i said. it's only humans! plus, girls like to censure but jokingly about singers who might have the aptitude but have not made the impression for us to like them due to some reason.
okay, so maybe we have gone to the extent of making videos about them that's not really portraying a positive image about them. (scroll down to see it)
i know some fans are protective of their idols and they don't like people critising about them. but hey, honestly it's just a JOKE! Which part of the video can you not sense from it?
plus, i think you were laughing at the video and even replayed it several times.
we're not antagonizing against you.
we're only expressing our views about them.
which i seriously believe that there's no need to be infuriated.
it's not as if we're mocking about your taste of liking them or anything.(okay, maybe we did.)
argh! wtf. i'll just get straight to the point.
i'm just trying to say that even though we might not like what you like, but you are eventually our friend.
we just don't like them. that's all.
accept the fact. there are alot of people out there disliking them too. surely you can't be angry with all of them?
i mean, come on, you can't possibly be angry with us everyday because of this issue.
and i don't think we're 'over the limit'. it's just a joke.
and most importantly,
i know how people like to help/defend their friends.
but if it doesn't concern you. SHUT THE FCUK UP.
no offence.
and the only reason why we didn't 'talk' to you is because we're not close.
we didn't knew each other well until the end of sec2.
and the reason why we post such things on blogs is because we know the other party doesn't mind/ they can take it.
that's all, y'all.
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