Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I'm really lacking the self discipline that a graduating student should ought to have. O self discipline, where art thou?
7:20 PM

sigh, please be my man i don't mind hahaha.
its only been 2 days since the commencement of the new consultation timetable and i'm hating it already. Its so unproductive! 4 periods for a single subject is too torturous. too fucking torturous, plus the fact that we have to combine classes with 5N2. the teacher has limited attention to each student. i come home feeling so lethargic that i'm not in the mood to do anything. sighhhhhhhhh. on a happy note, the new contacts i ordered arrived! hehehe
7:00 PM

Friday, September 23, 2011
我对着次的考试成绩感到非常失望... 我的成绩一落千丈. 原本对着次的数学和科学测验感到信心满满可是没想到考得很不理想...为什么? 我到底是在哪里出了问题.我真的有为这一回的考试读书... 可能练习还不足吧. 我真的感到好无奈哦. 在朋友当中我的智商最底,我最笨. 如果我的水准不及格的话.... 哇,我还真的不敢去想. 我真的不想辜负妈妈,学文,俊文和每个人对我的企望. 我真的好想体验理公学院的生活. 嗨...看来我该加巴解~
10:49 PM

Sunday, September 18, 2011
shall start off with wishing linh a happy belated birthday
once again, you're officially 18! damn, how time flies. please do not abuse your privilege of being 18 to go around having pre-marital sex yeah. HAHAHA JKJKJK you're still as auntie as ever but its cool cause that's what makes you special. i hoped you enjoyed the birthday celebration last night even though it made you felt really nauseous hehehe ;P
happy cass with her fishballz
Damn brina, how many months pregnant are you?
sigh, the advantage of being from a third world country. linh why you so pretty ):
someone buay song cause someone not here hehehe
aww cass and mo<3
super conspicuous contact lenses~
*gasp* what is that ghostly figure behind me?! oh its just audrey....
welcoming the arrival of the modern day cinderella, she had to finish the household chores before heading out to meet us.
hmmmm, despite the conspicuous strong lighting that has made linh, brina and I look exceptionally fair someone still cant be seen......
haha now you can finally see her :P
tong xiang~
cake cutting ceremony~
china brina was super enthusiastic that it was her bff's birthday that she sang with all her passion.
cass kena possess
happy birthday girl with her favourite cake~
hearts for anybody?
oral picture conversation. part1
oral picture conversation part2
behold!!! qualified. qualified part2
awww cass so happy~
juisheng managed to create his own explosive device with fire, rubber and a can...
during the celebration, it was one of those moments where you're aware that you are being a public nuisance but you just couldnt care less cause youre having so much fun. enjoy being 18 linh!
12:10 PM

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