Monday, November 28, 2011
i've been on a hiatus from this space due to my work schedule of working 6 days a week. Dont expect any updates from this space for a while now.
11:57 PM

Sunday, November 20, 2011
I hate Christmas carols. I really do. Yeah, i know i sound like a humbag but christmas carols annoy the shit outta me. specially since its been played everywhere in singapore ever since october. like really?? october??? I understand your enthusiasm for christmas but there's still like 2 more months away from december. Already now in the month of november christmas decorations are up in every mall now. I remembered working in a supermarket during the holidays and everyday i come to work enduring the excruciating torture of having to listen to christmas carols on repeat. "holy night.... slient night...." " noel... noel..." "this is the season to get jolly..." the experience was horrible, really. Christmas doesn't excites me mainly because i never celebrated it before. its always just turkey, ham, decorating the mini pine tree and thats basically it. Okay, i shouldnt be querulous about the commencing festive season. its all about joy and giving eh? on an irrelevant note, i'm starting work next wednesday and i'm stokedddddddd! hehehe
3:09 PM

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sometimes I don't want to exist. I just want to go somewhere between life and death, dreaming and awake. I just don't know how I let myself get caught up with irrelevant things or people over the past few weeks. I'm just not in the right frame of mind. I've closed Tweetdeck and Msn in hopes of blocking everyone out for now. I feel like disappearing for a bit, to collect my thoughts although I know that I will probably only feel better with my friends around being all kay siao-ing. I thought things would get better. Instead we're left with this mess in both our hearts and minds. I guess partially it was my fault for letting this happen. I guess all anyone needs is time. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much too.
10:52 PM

peculiar actions arouses suspicion, it is of no surprise that you've been frequently used as a conversation starter.
10:28 PM

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need some positive energy there's so much negative energy in me i need to repudiate all of them.
1:38 AM

After what seemed like eternity, I finally got to meet up with Mira along with Mark!! hehehehe I was so elated to see her again ;) we patronized Lasalle's cafe "15 minutes" for the first time and I loved the place. Not only was it air conditioned, the ambiance was lovely. The food was therapeutically delicious. Mira gave us a tour arounf Lasalle, it was lovely. the environment's really conducive to study in. but i dont like the fact that anyone can have access into the campus its so scaryy. Mira brought us to the library and there were construction workers in there using the mac books to surf the internet. Not being racist here, but i just dont feel safe with so many outsiders around the campus.
happy pinoy_boi94
mushroom and ham pink sauce pasta! not a fan of creamy pasta but this one's good :D
I miss you guys, hang out soon!!!!!!! xx
12:27 AM

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
ahhh i hate my hair colour right now!!! its suppose to be burgundy brown but it turned out copper-ish red!!!! wtf i look like some ah lian now. Phew, thankfully mom's gonna touch up on her roots on saturday i'm tagging along hehehe.
12:43 AM

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
you buried your face in your palms, steeped in mortification and regret washed over you as you crumbled to the ground wishing time would rewind so there wouldnt be a repetition of what transpired. I've come to realize how incredibly easy it was to forgive someone in comparison to forgiving yourselves because we are constantly stressing ourselves out with insanely high standards of morality and humanity.
8:17 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Good morning! There's something about these magnolia amorphous clouds that enthralls me. For me, staring at the clouds is very therapeutic. It repudiates all the negative thoughts that dampens my spirits. It keeps my mind at ease. You should try waking up at 6am in the morning. Its where the clouds are prettiest at best with multitude of warm colours from the sunlight complimenting the beauty of the clouds. As much as I would love to appreciate the intrinsic beauty of these clouds, i have to head for school now. ciao~
9:07 AM

Friday, November 4, 2011
wooohooo! so all the core subject papers are downnnnnn, baby! i'm only left with History, Mother Tongue and Science MCQ~ After that, its an oasis of calmness. SS paper was a breeze. ALL HAIL SRI LANKA HOLLAAAAAAAAAAA~~ for the first fucking time, i managed to finish my paper within an hour and a half. I was lucky cause chapters of SS i studied came out in the SEQ section, so all is well :)
Things I look forward to during the month of november:
1. End of O fucking levels. yeah, i believe i'm not the only one here who's anticipating the butt end of this 22 days excruciatingly languid torture.
That's right, Misfits season 3!!! I loved the first 2 seasons, absolutely amazing and humorous. I love the cast of Misfits especially Iwan Rheon and Robert Sheehan. but there's critiques about the show not living up to the standards of the previous 2 episodes but whatever i still wanna watch it. Its already out in the UK i wanna watch it so badly but its not on funshion yet and gifs of season3 are taunting me all over tumblr gahhhhhhhhhhh.
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,The autotrophs began to drool,Neanderthals developed tools,We built a wall (we built the pyramids),Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries,That all started with the big bang! i'm currently at season 4 right now( i know i'm slow), really really am addicted to this show. Jim Parsons is an amazing actor, he totally deserved the emmy awards.
3. Dreadful but yes, getting a job. I'm as broke as a pauper now so i really am in a need of a job to satisfy my materialistic needs.
Losing weight. Yes, i've gained so much over the past 10 months I can literally leave footprints while walking on concrete its disgusting. I hate putting on weight, I don't wanna go back to looking like some oversized fat fuck with so many layers of double chins that it looks as if i'm staring at you over a pile of pancakes. fats are gross.
Yes, tina jittaleela from "Yes Or No" is coming to singapore!!!! well, not exactly in november but december. Either way, I'm stoked!!! Brina, remember your promise that you'll go with me to her fan sign okay!!!
1:35 PM

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
O's been alright so far, the papers were doable so that means the bell curve's gonna be pretty high. Chem paper was doable, i'm really glad for chemistry cause i did well! i checked the answers and yeah most of them were correct(hopefully the answers from the china website's correct). what i was most elated about was the mole calculation section and QA, i actually got it correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the first fucking time!!!!!!!!! this just shows that never leave any blanks during exams even if you anyhow do the question. it might just turn out to be the correct answer! :D KEKEKEKKE. okay okay calm down, i cannot be too contented with just my chemistry there's still physics. sigh sibei sian la.
8:04 PM

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