today i went to bishan active to run with jane and audrey.
jane didn't run, too tired to run.
i only ran 1 round.
audrey ran 2 rounds
as the weather was kinda sultry, we went to audrey's house to slack.
i LOVE her fan!
the wind was freaking strrong!
then we watched a steve irwin show.
it was quite funny and sad at the same time.
jane envied how a little girl can speak such fluent english, while she can't. lol.
HELLO? the girl is a caucasian!
so went to j8 for the air-con.
i was hungry so i went to buy a mega mcspicy.
then i came up with this stupid idea of "how long can you take to finish a mega mac"
so audrey took a video of me eating while jane took the time.
and guess how long did i take to finish it?
3minutes and 18 seconds!
what an achievement!
but audrey missed the part where i finished my burger! so wasted.
as the video quality is very poor, i am unable to post it.
next up, i want to try how long can i finish a mega mac.
then went to walk around j8 and stole 3 capsule from action city just because it was cute.
then went to eat ice-kachang. my treat. but they had to pay me back the money.
that's all~
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