
man, i swear i was in the photo...
sexiest teeth i had ever seen...
no offence, but i think jane looks like a maid in this photo. lol.
BAD behaviour...
SEXIEST man alive.
look at ranjie's face. lol.
jane&the manicure victim.

i had a hard time uploading the BBQ photos.
this is a VERY LONG post, okay?
here it goes...
went to meet ranjie,jordan and jane at farrer park
then took a taxi from there.
decided to rent bicycles, but no shops were opened yet so we went to the beach and i dug out crabs from a rock and we started to examine it.
and i accidentally split a worm into 3...
then went to find chindah and dominic.
then went to find chindah and dominic.
ms.lim, ms.tan,ms.chong,mr.koh.w.p were there too.
ms.lim's son ALEX is freaking cute!
then went ot play with him at the playground with jane,carin and brina.
jane was kinda over protective of alex. lol.
jinglong,darrel,hhk,jane,me,brina,carin,jordan,ranjie,hanjie,domini and chindah turned up.
only 4 girls there...
then we started to eat in the evening.
and ms.lim and mr.koh left.
then all the teachers left.dominic took out cigarittes and beer and started to party.
then went to rent bike.
dominic offended some drunk ah lian,
and then we all ran away. lol.
then we slacked at the roadside and took photos.
there was this freaky thing that happened.
while slacking at the roadside having fun.
my phone rang and it was jane who called me.
i thought she had accidently press 'dial' on my no.
but jane's phone had no money and it was offed!
and when chindad listened answered the call,
it was like 'toot...toot..toot...'
and chindah made this stupid but scary comment that maybe it was jane's mother who wanted to talked to jane and dialled my number wantng to talk to jane.
then we made ourselves believe that it was just a technical problem.
then went to carin's house.
not her house though,
but the rooftop and the poolside only.
then we talk about gossip,ghost story. more gossip and then talked about sex.
then we went to eat at some indian hawker centre.
the beverages were good.
so was the tissue prata.
then carin sneaked us into a condo to play the playground.
but we were scared of getting caught that we sneaked out of the back gate.
then a police car drove past us and the car was like slowing down in front of us.
but we pretented nothing happened and the car drove off.
then we went to a bridge.
then we lie down there and i almost fell alsleep.
we spent the 'dawn' there.
there were some caucasians who walked past us, but they didn'd give us stares
and they said good morning to us too.
unlike some singaporeans who walked past us and gave us stares and comments.
then went home.
reached home at 6 or 7+
slept at 10+
and woke up at 11.30.
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