had drama camp on 4&5june collaborated with CBSS. it was fun, made alot of new friends. they're all friendly people. we had to plan and organise the whole camp so it was OUR camp. no teachers involved. how cool is that? so we(me,diana,acer,buvan,thati,letashia,darshini) were the leaders and we had to lead the juniors. it made me felt AWESOME being the leader.
WELL, there are more photos of the camp but i din't have all of it.

See how cheena i look. -.-

diana. julia. queen. acer. buvan.

Nigerian. Singaporean. Philipino(?)

damn chio right this woman? she's the drama instructor of CBSS.

she thought us about emotions and how to cry. man, was she GOOD. she was doing a demostration for us and she started to cry on the spot. thumbs up!
then it was my turn. was pretty nervous but i did a good job. well, to me. there's one thing i'm preety effed up about. everytime i had to act out a scence for drama, i always get this scence : 'your boyfriend got stolen.' always one lei, i tell you.
Diana was preety good herslf too. although she didn't really cry but there were tears in her eyes and her facial expressions was very convincing.

Queen and buvan. Queen's actual name is elizabeth but she likes to call herself Queen Elizabeth. so i decided to call her Queen. cool, huh?

boys will be boys.
diana and julia.
thathi was instructing the juniors, i think.
julia and thati. thati was actually very giddy after playing a spinning game. ironically, she looks okay.

poojetha had to do a forfeit so she had to wear a bra. HAHA. just in case you're wondering who's bra was that. it's mine. i mean my mom's. XP
group photo!

i didn't really took any photos on day two but i had alot of fun. ;D
we bonded a little and we couldn't really bear to leave and we ended up hugging each other when leaving.
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