this bloody rusted nail poked my ass out of nowhere when i sat down on the sand.

jane unknowingly took an unglamorous photo an audrey, she found out and starts laughing uncontrobally(?)(just look at her face.). audrey, unaware of the situation, wants to see the picture.
after seeing the picture, audrey want the picture to be deleted. jane refused and they got physical but still not forgetting to pose for the camera.
the sun was glaring, hence the small eyes.

jane trying to smile with her teeth shown.
my gigantic feet.
jane's teeny tiny feet.

played volleyball with xiuqing they all. i hit the ball too hard and it landed on the coconut tree. audrey thought it was a mango tree. hello? mango trees don't grow on sentosa beaches.anyways, i climbed the tree and tried to retrieve the ball but to no avail.finally, called a life guard and he used a very long stick to poke the ball down.
took photos. homed.
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