an F. awesomeeeeeeeeeee show. almost every minute there's something to makke your heart skip a beat. frankly, this was my virgin attempt to watch a horror film. it wasn't that bad. watched it with cass,joycelin,jordan,ranjie,ian.
jordan sat beside me. he was, erm, petrified. hilarious he was. he was totally afraid to waatch to watch the show. oh, did i mention that he squeezed my hand during a scence because he was sooooooooooooo afraid? well, now you do. hurts like hell. ;p cass squeezed my hands too. oh, and the way JORDAN licked his finger was super erotic.;X the girls were very afraid. so were the guys cause it was based on a true story. ranjie and ian scream! i was, dumb-founded. it was my first time that i heard guys scream in a horror miovie. well, RJ said he screamed because hmmm? intially i thought it was the girls who were gonna scream. stereotype i guess. i don't know about the other guys but i do know that jordan,cass & joycelin covered their eyes in some scences. i didn't! admire my bravery! hahs. i kinda like the show but it somehow didn't manage to convince me that it's based on a true story. maybe the seance part but mostly, i kinda think it's highly impossible for a human to experience it. maybe i'm not suprestitious. and now, i'm into horror films!
oh, can you figure out my title at the top? hehehehehe.
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