Racial harmony day. quite a number of people dresssed up. mainly in japanese kimonos and korean traditional costumes. it's preety cool. today was kinda slack. awesomeeeeee! then PE, snooped into the ISH to play trampoline! omg, i felt so great. it's been a long time since i played the tramp. i felt, light. hehe.
recess, went to support CD's malay food stall and that richard is taking advantage of the stall by eating alot of free food claiming that he paid up already.
i actually so wanted to participate in the amazing race ! but,but, those boys! in the end they forfeited because they didn't wanted to get their faces painted. wtf??
sad, isn't it? after school, accompanied jane,ruier for a while. headed home.
OKAY, THIS IS SO FAKE. i don't play the guitar. i was just posing with it. went to visit mdm.chiong. i miss the music room so much. i was shy, hence the smile.
those are CMS's fats behind the phone.
MY MILLION DOLLLAR SMILE. okay, i know this is sick. i was play chubby bunny. it's a game to see how many marshmallows you can stuff in your mouth and say chubby bunny at the same time. only, i used cookies. me and brina played. who won? me of course! brina:17. julia: 20+. i flashed this smile to most of my classmates and they were like: 'ew', 'disgusting lei'
i know it's sick. but hey, at least i had fun. see my smile!
notice most of the pictures my eyes are like unseeable? yeah. i know i have small eyes. but,but, please don't say i look cheena.
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