
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sheena showed me this picture of Siwon during history class and wheni first laid my eyes on it i was so so so smittened by it that i started being all delirious hahaha :P  That hot bod, that sexy finger in the mouth, those muscular slender legs, the hair, the eyes, the seductive expression.. he's just so... fit, so attractive, well proportioned. okay julia, control yourself.  i'm not a KPOP fan but i do listen to it once in a while and Siwon's one my favourite KPOP singer mainly because he's really good looking. Seeing this just makes me wanna print a life size poster of it and embellish it in my room devoid of eye-candies and life. hahaha okay i'm sounding really shallow so i'm gonna stop here, hehehe. time to do homework T_T

School was as mundane as usual but PE was entertaining where the girls started playing with skipping ropes reliving the nostalgias of childhood. the sound of boisterous laughter occupied the entire gym. Chemistry ISP was generally okay i was able to answer most of the questions and i THINK i'll be able to do well for chem if mole calculations doesn't come out. but whatever we all know that's not happening. oh, i taught mark a new word today. "Du Lan" yeah, it basically means 'fucking pissed/annoyed' in the hokkien dialect its really vulgar so i wouldn't recommend anyone of you to go around saying this but mark did and he got lucky no one punched him in the face hahaha. he kept using it the wrong going around saying 'du lan du lan, i'm so dulan, your face so dulan' haha its ludicrous.

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